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X-ray Scanner Camera Prank 1.0.1
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Make a funny joke; the application it isradiograph with the camera of your smartphone to the body organs"hand, foot, head 'Function mode:1- download the application x ray2- place the body "foot, hand or head," we want scanner front ofthe camera to play your joke around and make emblant is that it isa real X-ray scan3- choose the photo on the application4 take-orange photoAt the end show you the false radiograph to your friends they willbe amazedx rays scanning app allow you to body scanner x rayed and you canuse like that scanner camera or xray cam seeing through wallsThis app is best scanning app for android and multi type of scannerlike that: naked scanner, bone scanner, real x rays, and nekadscanner or security body scanner.This application it not a spy camera or reel x rayEnjoy with X-ray Scanner Camera Prank
X-Ray Body Scanner Prank 1.0.1
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Its a real trick to make fun with your friendstell them that you're going to make them free radiography with yoursmartphone you just need to place the camera in front of body organ"foot, teeth, hands, chest" of person you want to scanThis application will allow you to make a multiscanmanual1. Place the organ behind the camera of your smarthphone.2. start application x-ray.create good atmosphere with the application Prank x rayNB: This game is not a spy camera or real X-ray radiographyEnjoy with x ray scanner.
Real Piano Tiles 1.0.1
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Super Piano Virtual une application gratuitepour jouer et composer de la musique.Cette application de Piano virtuel va vous permettre d’apprendre àjouer le piano ainsi de composer de la musiqueMaintenant vous pouvez jouer votre musique préférer sur votresmartphone ou tablette, cette application et un moyen utile pourdevenir pianiste car vous pouvez jouer sur des morceaux afin de lesmaitriserUn jeu super cool et facile à jouerGrace à l’application super piano virtuelle vous jouer sans avoirappris le piano.Caractéristique :- Facile a utilisé- La qualité de son- Multitouche- Gratuit- Beaucoup de sonComposer des moreaux et partager votre enregistrement avec lesamis, de jour en jour vous allez remarquer que vous faites desaméliorations continuer à jouer jusqu’à devenir un vraipianiste.Enjoy avec Real Piano TilesSuper Virtual Piano afree application for playing and composing music.Virtual Piano This application will allow you to learn to play thepiano and compose musicNow you can play your music on your preferred smartphone or tablet,this application and a useful way to become a pianist, because youcan play songs to master theA cool and super easy game to playThanks to the great virtual piano app you play without havinglearned the piano.Distinguishing feature :- Easy to use- Sound quality- Multikey- Free- Many of hisMoreaux compose and share your recording with friends, day byday you will notice that you are making improvements continueplaying until becoming a real pianist.Enjoy with Real Piano Tiles
Universal TV Remote Control 1.02
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No more remote problems !! The solution is nowwith the free TV Universal Remote This application exchangesmartphone to easy remote control and convenient to control yourdevices that are connected to a wireless network such as brand TVs"Hitachi, Panasonic, LG, Samsung, Fujitsu, Mitsubishi, Philips,Pansonic "and devices like remote control car, electric gates orroom air conditioner, decoders, receivers. You will need to mooseremote to control, now you can control your appliances are usingjust your smartphone and open the Universal Remote TVapplication.Manual1 download the application for free2 open the application3 Choose the TV model4 Return to the remoteThis application is not compatible with all TV brands.If you have encountered problems sent to our email address we willtry to find the solutionEnjoy With Universal TV Remote Control
Recuperer Images et Photos 1.1
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Vous avez supprimés des fichiers parinattention (image, vidéo, audio, PDF, zip, mp3, mp4, ppt, doc,avi, mpg, JPG) ?la récupération android photo supprimé, et vidéos et des fichierssupprimés accidentellement (photos, vidéos) hors de votre téléphoneou nouvelle application gratuite va vous permettre de restaurertout ce que vous avez supprimé accidentellement et de ne pluspaniquer car cette application est très simple à manipuler.Voilà les différentes fonctionnalités de cette applicationRestaurer les photos et les vidéos, les musiques audio effacées etd’autres fichiers comme (pdf, mp3, doc, avi, mp4, jpg, png, rar,ogg, txt …et bien d’autre.Récupérer les fichiers supprimés sans endommager la qualitéd’image, vidéo, audio restauré.Récupérer les fichiers de la carte SDProtégez votre vie privéeRestaurer des fichiers supprimés sur une carte SDRécupérer les contactsRécupérer les logiciels supprimésCette application est particulièrement adaptée pour récupérer desfichiers à partir de la mémoire interne des marques telles queSamsung, Sony, Google, Nokia, Motorola, ZTE, LG, Lenovo, HTC andHuawei.EnjoyYou have deleted files byinattention (image, video, audio, PDF, zip, mp3, mp4, ppt, doc,avi, mpg, JPG)?android recovery deleted photo, video and accidentally deletedfiles (photos, videos) from your phone or tablet.the new free application will allow you to restore everything youdeleted accidentally and not to panic as this application is verysimple to handle.These are the various features of this applicationRestore photos and videos, deleted music and other audio files like(pdf, mp3, doc, avi, mp4, jpg, png, avi, ogg, txt ... and manyother.Recover deleted files without damaging the quality of image, video,audio restored.Recover files from SD cardProtect your privacy Restore deleted files on an SD cardRetrieve contactsRecover Deleted softwareThis application is particularly suited to recover files from theinternal memory brands such as Samsung, Sony, Google, Nokia,Motorola, ZTE, LG, Lenovo, HTC and Huawei.Enjoy
Fingerprint lock screen Prank 1.0.1
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A lock application and screen unlock ispossible with fingerprint lock and unlock screenThis application is to stimulate the curious that you disposed asmartphone that is unlocked with your fingerprintManual1- Get the app2 -Open applying a digital screen displays3-Put your finger on the digital screen and start the scan for 3seconds4-Drop your finger on the digital screen after you can use yourfinger to unlockThe locking and unlocking Fingerprint application is a simulationapplication for the laptop screen is not a real scanner screen isjust to make a joke to you pals.Enjoy with Fingerprint lock screen
TV universal remote control 1.01
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With the universal remote control app Use yoursmartphone or tablet as a remote controlThis universal remote control application will allow you tocontrol some branded TVs (Samsung, LG, Panasonic, Philips, Sharpand Sony and other ...), provided that you have the same wirelessnetwork as the TV.Universal Remote app also control other devices such as: airconditioning, heating, electric gates, car remote control.How to use1- go to settings menu2- choose the TV model3 Returns to the virtual remote controlIf the universal remote control application does not function onyour smartphone or tablet send us an email to find you thepractical solution.
Funny MSQRD me video 1.2
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Want to immediately Record and save newvideoand photo funny with MSQRD me video now? Funny MSQRD me videocansimply and quickly help you record and edit best funny pics inyourdream with different effect and colour.Featured- msqrd me pics and video- Selfi picture and effect msqrd me.- Multi type of msqrd me collage.Enjoy with Funs MSQRD me video.
Gems cheat for Clash Royal 1.02
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Free GEMS and free cheat guide for clashRoyalewith this application “Cheats Hack for Clash Royale”Enjoy with “Gems Sheet for Clash Royale”